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Just before Jesus ascended to the Father, He commanded his disciples, "Stay in Jerusalem and wait there for what my Father promised, which you heard about from me. For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."


It is an understatement to say that speaking in tongues is a hotly-debated issue within the church! And because it is, many Christians simply avoid the topic without doing the bible study to get understanding. In this teaching we learn 7 biblical reasons why we should speak in tongues and what the results are when we do.


This 4-part audio series includes:

1) What To Expect

2) Is It For Me?

3) Praying In Your Spiritual Language

4) How To Receive


The Baptism With The Holy Spirit: Praying In Your Spiritual Language mp3

  • This file format is a downloadable mp3.

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