Cleansing Discipleship (CD) equips the church to minister the miracle gift of deliverance through the practical application of God’s Word to believers who have open hearts toward freedom. It is an advanced seminar using Jesus’ model of discipleship which involves teaching, training, and touching.
Many people ask Pastor Timothy what the secret is to his anointing. It's actually rather simple: 1. Consistently walk in the Spirit, 2. Stay in your "seat" with Christ (Ephesians 2:6), and 3. Understand your authority. To move in authority, you must be under authority. This session focuses on the biblical understand-ing of spiritual authority.
*The prerequisite to this teaching is to read Spiritual Authority, by Watchman Nee.
Spiritual Authority Notebook pdf
PDF format: 15 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
Publisher: Cleansing the Church Ministries
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1-931845-07-7
Copyright © 2015 by Timothy C. Davis
All rights reserved. International copyright secured.